But, I do want to show you what I have been creating. First up is my last art journal page. I decided to paint the entire page black(ish) with some watercolour paint to make it look like a kind of chalkboard. It took two layers to make it look like this. Then I used white watercolour paint to write most of the words. For the smaller words I used a white gel pen. The quote is one I found on Pinterest and I think a lot of women can relate to. Everybody who loves you will see your beauty.

The same night I made this art journal page, I made another. This one was even more simple. But I really needed to get it off my chest. ;) All I used was some acrylic paint, watercolour paint, three punched butterflies and a pen. Life can be so simple sometimes. ;)
A few weeks ago one of my friends gave birth to a very beautiful girl named Tessa. As a gift I pimped an infant bodysuit with some flock foil. One of my friends taught me how to do this. I really loved it and I wanted to buy some of this stuff myself, but I haven't done that yet. I should though, 'cause it's really fun to work with.
Of course I also made them a card to celebrate this special occasion. It was based on a card I pinned. I cut a few hearts out of some grungeboard and painted them with acrylic paint. Together with some string and and a few letter stickers to spell the name the card was finished.
When I went through my photo's, I just realised that I didn't show you the birthday card I made for my sister a couple of months ago. It was a quite simple one, but I do want to share it too. Did I already mention that i love my lattice mask by Prima? ;)
Well, I think that was all for now. Do remember to see the beauty in everyone around you!