Sunday, November 27, 2011

It feels like Christmas already...

Good afternoon everyone,

apparently Sunday is the best day for me to blog. I noticed that most of my blogs were written on an Sunday. ;) Not so surprising, 'cause it is the most convenient day to scrap (at least, when I'm home that is).
Today I have been busy working on my Christmas cards. I already did part of it during the week. That's because I wanted to incorporate some crochet work in my cards. And fortunately that turned out quite nice in my eyes. :D
Now I can crochet more snowflakes, so I can make loads of cards like this one. They won't be all the same, but the idea will be. To give you a sneak peek, here's a picture.

I didn't want to show it in whole, because some people who will receive a card like this, read this blog too. ;)

I've also created another card this afternoon. It is for a person I know who is very ill. She's been diagnosed with cancer. I wanted to make her a card that will cheer her up a little so she has the power to fight this awful disease.

Unfortunately I haven't been able to create another page in my Rome mini album... Maybe I can do something this evening.
Well, for now I wish you all a great evening with many lights, hot chocolate and maybe even some cream on top.


Sunday, November 20, 2011

a bunny, a workshop and a label


I'm back with more crochet news. ;) Last post I told and showed you that I was working on an octopus. Well... that didn't quite work out the way I wanted... Instead of a ball form, I created a very stretched ball. Not good for an octopus. So, I decided to make another animal. I had very bright pink yarn and decided to make a pink bunny. ;)
It took me quite a few hours (although I have to say I had to start over several times, 'cause I was also interested in the television and then I lost count). But the result is quite nice. Here it is:

I didn't have any eye-shaped beads, so I used brads instead. ;) That's how crocheting and scrapbooking come together. ;)
I think I'll attempt to make a well-shaped octopus tonight. When it's done I'll show it here of course.

In the mean time I also finished one more page of my Rome mini album. That's 3 out of 8 already. ;) And I'm planning to make number 4 as well today.

Last Friday evening a had a workshop at Creabest in Ommen, the Netherlands. We made two Christmas cards in Tim Holtz's style. It was so much fun to do and the group of people were very nice and we had some laughs. Thanks to all the people that were there and to Creabest!
These are the cards I created during the workshop.

Of course I couldn't help myself and I bought some stuff in the shop they have at Creabest. I bought some masks, perfect pearls mist, resistant canvas, labels and clear stamps. To try some of the things, I created a label.
I used Tim Holtz's masks, then some distress ink and then some perfect pearls mist on top of that. I used some stamps by My Mind's Eye from the Lost and Found collection.
Although the colours are a bit more blue than purple (which the actual colour is) and you can't really see the copper mist, but I think this picture gives a bit of an impression of the label.

Thanks so much for looking. Please leave a comment if you have some suggestions to improve my work. I'm always interested in that!
Enjoy your Sunday!


Sunday, November 13, 2011

more crochet

Mmm... I think I'm really into crochet. I also managed to create some kind of small ball. It's not perfect, but I didn't think I would be able to do it.

Once I got that done, I thought I could try to make an animal too. So, I bought a book on crochet animals. And at this moment I'm trying to make an octopus. Although I have to say it looks much more like a small hat right now... I hope it will become an octopus eventually.

Besides all the crocheting, I'm also still working on my Rome mini album. Two pages are done now (of a total of 8 pages). I've got to keep working on it.

And last of all I wanted to make you all aware of the fact that Birgit Koopsen is giving away a HUGE box of goodies on her blog.

On her birthday she will announce who the winner is. Wow, isn't that much like Sinterklaas/Santa Claus?
Her blog is already in my list of favourites, but here you can also find it.
I'll keep my fingers crossed, 'cause my favourite products are in the huge box!

Have a lovely week,

Thursday, November 10, 2011

a hobby conference and a crochet flower

Hi everyone,

I'm back with an update. I have been quite busy lately (a lot of work related things in the evenings), but I did work on some projects.
Last Saturday I've been to a hobby conference in Utrecht. I went there with a friend and we arrived there before opening en we actually left after closing time! Wow, there is always so much to do and to see. Although I have to say I didn't really buy a lot...
We did buy some hobby stuff to use the next day. We had a so-called 'friend day' with four friends on Sunday. We decided to do something creative. And we would take something from the hobby conference to do.
It was quite hard to think of something we could do in only one afternoon which wasn't too complicated and expensive. But eventually we decided to do Décopatch (for the ones who have never heard of this: it is actually decorating anything with little pieces of torn paper).
Fortunately our friends really liked it. And the results are quite nice. We all made a piggy bank.

At the conference I also saw crocheted animals! They were so cute! And I already really liked to put crochet flowers on my scrapbook projects. So, I decided to buy some yarn and a hook. And yesterday I tried to make my first flower. After a couple of tries I kind of did it (it is still not perfect, but it does look like a flower ;))

So, I'm really excited to learn more things I can crochet. I hope to show you more of these things soon!


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

some cards

Ok, like I promised I am going to show you some projects I did last year. And I decided to start of with some cards I made.
This first one is a card I made for my sister and her boyfriend. Her boyfriend moved in with her. So I made a card to wish them all the happiness of the world together.

The next card I wanted to show you is a card I made for a friend of mine who moved in her new house with her fiancé.

A few weeks later they got married. And for that occasion I made this card. I do love the vellum I used on it.

Next up are two birthday cards. One for my cousin and the other for my sister.

I also made a card for my sister's boyfriend because he got a new job. This was the first time I used a digital stamp. It was really nice to do, but for some reason I've never done that again...

There were also some babies born in the past year. Here are two examples of cards I made.

The last card I'll show you is a card for my parent's neighbors. They moved after 30 years or so. So they've always been my neighbors when I was growing up (we never moved either). And although I don't live there anymore for 10 years now, I do feel connected to them still.

So, I guess this is enough for today. Next up I will show you other projects I made the last year. I hope you will be back to take a look at them. Thanks so much for looking. Please leave a comment so I can improve my work!


Sunday, October 30, 2011

My scrap room and a peek

Hi you guys,

here I am again with an update. Today I've been really busy working on my mini album of our trip to Rome last summer. And I thought I would give you a peek of it already. I don't want to show it completely yet, because it's not finished yet. But here is a little of what you can expect:

And besides this peek I wanted to snow you my scrap room. First of all I wanted to clean up before I took the pictures. But then I decided not to do that. Because I think you should see what it looks like when I'm working on a project. So, I did that. And I should warn you that it's really messy. Here my scrap table is:

I bought this table only like two months ago. Before that I had a really small table. I still have that one. It's on the other side of the room. And it is totally packed with so much junk! Sorry for that. But this is the space I used to work on:

On the picture of my new table you might have seen this round thingy with a lot of scrapbooking supplies clipped on to it. I'm so happy with that thing. My dad made it. It keeps my supplies so well organized! Here is a close up:

That was all I wanted to share with you today. I'll be back soon to show you what I made this past year. One of the things is a mini album made out of the cardboard box my new scrap table came in. ;)
Have a good week!


Saturday, October 29, 2011

I'm back

So, finally I'm back after more than a year. Time flies by so fast. At first I was really excited to make this blog, but I didn't realise that it would take so much time to keep it updated.

Anyway... recently I'm back at reading other people's blogs and I realised that I really missed blogging myself. So, I decided to go back here and bring this blog back to life.

I didn't stop scrapbooking the last year. In fact, I kind of created my own style lately and that feels great. I will show you what I made this last year and keep you updated on all the other things that are important.

I will also try to create a new background for this blog, 'cause this one doesn't really suite me anymore. I'll do this asap.

For now I hope you will keep coming back to my blog to see my creations. And I promise I'll try to update frequently. ;) Thank you so much for stopping by!